How I Read A 100 Books In 2020

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Every year I set a goal of reading 50 books. Since I had more time on my hands in 2020, I amped up the goal. This past year I finished 100 books. Here’s some tricks I used to accomplish my reading goals. Maybe they’ll help with your reading goals, too!

The Page Method

Currently reading The Nordic Theory of Everything by Anu Partanen

Usually when I’m struggling to get through a non-fiction book, I’ll implement this method. I set a goal to read 5-10 pages at a time, and then take a 3-5 minute break in between. Although the number of pages is small, it helps me get through dense non-fiction text, like a science textbook or a non-fiction subject I’m unfamiliar with, by helping me focus on a little section.

When reading fiction books, I’ll use a tweaked version of the page method. The difference is that I’ll set a goal of reading 30-50 pages for that day, instead of the ‘rinse and repeat’ 10 pages. By setting a broader page goal for the whole day, it helps relax my mind into being more open to read. Throughout the day, I’ll occasionally pick up and read the book. Before I know it, I’ve accomplished my page goal.

Set Time Method

I use the clock app on my phone to set my timers when I am using this method.

This is a handy method to use for when you’re having a hard time focusing on reading in general. Like the page method, this method uses a set of small increments to help you read. The difference is that you set aside a series of short time blocks to focus on reading. For me, blocking off 10-20 minutes at a time works the best. During these time blocks, try to read as much as possible at your own pace. Then take a small break and repeat the process for an hour. Sometimes I’ll get into a reading groove, and I’ll turn off the 10-20 min alarm, and continue.

Environment Method

My comfy bed with Toothless. 🙂

During my downtime in 2020, I noticed that I read the most when I’m in bed. On weekend mornings, I’ll often lounge in bed with my Libby app (app for reading library books) open, reading away. It’s not uncommon for an hour to pass before I finally pull myself out of it and start my day. For some reason, being comfy in my bed, either in the mornings or at night, is prime time for my brain to focus on a book.

With the environment method, notice where and when you tend to read the most. Is it sitting on the couch after work with the TV on in the background? Is it lounging outside under a tree in the afternoon? Are you also a night bedtime reader? Is it at work during your break?

Once you figure this out, utilize it to your advantage. Try to create a habit to read in your favorite reading environment once or twice a week. When in your prime reading environment, not having a set time limit is best. This way you can read for as long as you like. However, if that’s not possible, then try carving out 30 min to an hour each time you’re in the prime reading environment.

My stack of library books I checked out after finishing the AT in 2019. This year 90% of my books were read on my Libby app due to the pandemic. :/

Free Reading Method

The free reading method is basically just reading whenever you feel like it. This is the loosest, least strict method I use to accomplish my reading goals. Often, for people who tend to be natural readers, they pick up a book and read whenever the mood strikes them. Whenever I’m in the mood to read, and have the time, I’ll often read for hours. Free reading offers a way to read books without putting too much pressure on yourself to get them done. However, if you’re having trouble with motivation to finish a book, using the other 3 methods can help jumpstart the desire to read.

What’s Your Favorite Reading Method?

After reading about the methods above, do you have a favorite one? My favorite is probably the environment method. 😊 By using a combination of all these, I was able to read 100 books in 2020. My list included a wide range of books of various genres, both fiction and non-fiction. But mostly fiction. 😉 I’m curious… Do you use any other tricks or tips to help reach your reading goals? Please comment below! I’d love to hear about them.